Writing in Shared Solitude
A 12-Week Online Sacred Writing Space for Your Creative Germination, Discovery, and Flowering onto the Page
Book Developer & Creative Midwife / Healer in the Universal Sufism tradition of Hazrat Inayat Khan
In the quiet space between thoughts,
your authentic self awaits to tell you things. . .
Solitude — THE essential ingredient for doing connected, authentic writing.
The opportunity to truly be WITH yourself in an attentive, listening way so that what wants to be known to and through you now can be known.
But sometimes it can be difficult to come by real solitude.
It’s not only the need for uninterrupted time and space. It’s also the ability to let the usual mind-concerns go for the time being, and to bring your concentration inward, wholly and receptively. Because who knows what is waiting in the wings of your true being to whisper itself to you, once there is a space for you to hear?
The Co-Writing Sanctuary is an opportunity for you to discover what wants to be known in and through your writing, and to fully give yourself to the process.
It is designed to provide you with this sacred space and time, without your having to do anything other than just show up with curiosity and an available heart. (And paper & pen or laptop at the ready).
This is a real gift to give to yourself. A place where you can just come as you are, and be inspired, without having to set anything up beforehand. The relief of just being able to be with yourself as you sit comfortably in the privacy of your own space, perhaps a cup of herbal tea at your side, knowing that all you have to do right now is receive what is given from within you. Then pick up your pen, or put your hands on your keyboard, and let the words flow forth through this open channel of connection—with yourself, with the other (silent) participants, and with the creative field, itself.
Can you imagine giving yourself this permission, this inner listening, this comfort with creating?
“Thank you, Naomi, for your rare, exceptional ability to hold and safe and sacred space. What an exceptional holding quality you have and deep listening, that you can make space for me to articulate what’s in me.” – Shira Stone, 1:1 client, author-in-progress
What You’ll Experience:
Sacred Writing Time
Weekly guided sessions in inspired creative silence
A protected space for your authentic voice to emerge onto the page
A space made for you that you can just enter and settle into so your words flow forth unobstructedly
Deeper Connection with Your Creative Self
Encounter beneficial qualities that you may not have realized lie within
Be held in a field of Presence that brings forth your own deeper presence & wisdom
Access your authentic voice with greater ease
Deepen Your Writing Practice
Develop a sustainable writing rhythm
Cultivate deeper trust in your creative process
Transform your experience of writing from obligation to inspiration
The Power of a Kindred Community
Experience the energy of collective creativity in solitude
Experience the comfort of your private space while benefitting from the support of a kindred community
Carry the group’s energy into your solo writing time at home
Professional Guidance
Expert facilitation by a 30+-year professional in the publications field (writer, editor, consultant)
Artistic attunement by a writer, artist, and musician to help you discover, anchor, and come forth with your own unique creative process
Spiritual guidance/space holding by a healer in the Universal Sufi tradition of Hazrat Inayat Khan
What to Bring with You:
~ You can simply welcome what arises for you in the moment:
It may be a question mark in your mind that will be answered, perhaps surprisingly, as you write. You don’t need to have a specific project in mind before attending. Sometimes, in the fecund solitude of a concentrated writing time, what’s been wanting to get your attention has the chance, and a kind of impregnation takes place, which will continue its embryonic growth beyond the Sanctuary hour.
~ Or you can come with something already in formation, whether clearly defined or still finding its form:
It may be an existing project you are working on:
A wisp of an idea that wants fleshing out
A group of essays
A memoir-in-the-works
A book manuscript
If so, coming to the Co-Writing Sanctuary will enable you to gain momentum with your writing, and perhaps even discover some valuable new turns in the road that excite you to walk down with your pen.
"That was probably the best writing group experience I have ever had, and the most surprising feeling of sanctuary and grace…." —Jane Majkiewicz, writer, editor, former literary agency associate
How It Works:
Once a week for three months we’ll meet online for about an hour and a half. This will give you time and space to be with yourself deeply, in the company of other participants who—just like you—are in silence.
There are three parts to the Sanctuary:
1. Opening Invitation to Shift Consciousness
I open the writing space with an invitation for you to make deeper contact with yourself, a different one each week. It may be a meditation on breath or attunement; it may be a beautiful piece of music, or poetry, or some inspiring story or phrase. Whatever I select in a given week, it will be designed to bring you into deeper attunement with your true nature, so that where you write from feels true rather than labored or inwardly cluttered.
Guided meditation / artistic inspiration
Different weekly themes provide a rich array of entry points you may wish to return to (or to cultivate your own)
Gentle transition into your own internal creative space
2, Sacred Writing Time
Then, once attuned, you write in silence for about an hour. You are in protected privacy (you can turn off your camera or leave it on). While you write, I am “holding the space” for you—concentrating on that Presence deeper than our personalities, which is ready to reveal itself to you through your writing. Because, as God has said to have said, “I was a Hidden Treasure and I longed to be known.” In this Presence, the Hidden Treasure in you can make itself known in your writing. This Presence is available to you under all circumstances, but in my experience (as well as the experience of past Sanctuary participants) it’s more potent when it’s being actively held for you.
Uninterrupted deep writing time lets your inner wisdom flow forth
Complete privacy
Sacred space held for you activates that field to open in you
3. Closure Ritual
At the end of the writing time, I bring in a Closure ritual to honor you and what you have written. It’s essential for you to acknowledge what you have done and the internal place it came from. This nourishes your confidence and trust in your creative being. It also functions as a reminder that you can return to what you wrote, during the days between our gatherings, and build on what you received in the Sanctuary.
Honor your creative work
Ground your insights
Establish a pattern for continued writing
On Sharing (and Not Sharing) Your Writing
On your end, this is all done in silence. Participants don’t introduce themselves or talk to each other, or share their writings, or put questions in the Chat feature. This is an opportunity for you to be fully with yourself so you can bring all your attention to what’s inside you and write from there without distraction (even friendly distraction). This is a lot of what’s meant by “shared solitude.”
Yet at the end of the three months, there will be an ending celebration: an opportunity for you to optionally share some of your writing done in the Sanctuary with me and with other participants. This provides a valuable sense of completion, after giving yourself to the writing for 12 weeks, enabling you to:
Come forth with what you’ve done—to, in effect exclaim, “Look at who I turned out to be!”
Give the gift of your writing to the other participants.
Receive the blessings of listener responses to the writing you shared. We do need to know that what we give our full selves to when writing will be meaningful to others, too—that we have communicated something intimately relatable.
Attendance Options
You can get the benefit of the Co-Writing Sanctuary via two different formats:
1. LIVE (in-person on Zoom)
Benefits of attending live include:
A personal meeting with me before beginning:
You will get to share your writing dreams with me, as best you currently know them; even if you don’t, yet, something clarifying may emerge through our conversation. And my knowing something of you helps me design the tone of the Sanctuary gatherings with you in mind.
The power of presence:
There is something about attending in real time that has a certain vibratory power. Your presence helps create the field in which you receive your writing inspiration.
Recordings that let you re-enter the Sanctuary space:
You’ll have recordings of each week’s sanctuary within a day or two, so you can re-enter the attunement space again and again. This makes it easier for you to be receptive to the field of presence at home and write with the same kind of absorption and ease as you did in the live Sanctuary. You will also receive a helpful guide to creating a writing sanctuary at home.
Invitation to share your writing at the close of the 12 weeks.
Even writing in shared silence, your presence makes a difference to the other participants. A sense of being in this together builds. So it’s a natural outgrowth to share some of what you’ve written, if you want to, at the end of this 12-week process, and learn what your listeners received.
If you’d like to attend, but you aren’t available to attend live or don’t want to get up at 4am (e.g., if you live in Australia), purchasing the recordings will enable you to:
Experience the sacred presence even on the recording.
The frame of the opening attunement, the transmission, and the closure will all be available to you. While the energy field I hold during the writing hour may be somewhat more palpable for live participants, it still comes through on the video recording and will hold you as you write. (It also will open up that same field in you.)
Create a sanctuary in your own environment.
Along with the recordings, you will receive a helpful guide to creating a writing sanctuary at home, enabling you to have a protected, inspired writing experience ongoingly in your very own environment.
NOTE: The option to share writing at the end of the 12 weeks is only available for live participants. However, should you choose to, there are various ways to work with me and get support.
“Your GORGEOUS 'Book Mothering' energy is just the right medicine for me! You always remind me of why I so love to write!"—Shelley Klammer
Your Investment Options:
Live participation + recordings: $497
Recordings only: $297
Special rate for returning participants & current clients: Live — $467 / Recordings only — $267
Early Bird signup: Live participation: $467 / Recordings only: $267 (includes Bonus)
Payment for live participation:
For new participants: as a single payment of $497, or as 3 monthly installments of $180 each.
For returning participants and current clients: as a single payment of $467, or as 3 monthly installments of $165 each,
Payment for the recordings only is a single payment: $297 for new participants / $267 for returning participants and current clients.
For Early Bird signup, live participation is a single payment of $467, or 3 monthly installments of $165 each. Recordings only is a single payment of $267. The Bonus will be mailed to you.
What You Will Receive:
18 hours of Sanctuary time over 12 weeks, plus additional session for sharing writing at the end of the 3 months.
Recordings for continued sacred-writing practice at home.
Individual welcome meeting with me prior to the first session.
Guide for creating a Writing Sanctuary in your own home.
BONUS with Early Bird signup: Sacred Writing Kit to support your shift in consciousness when you write, both in the Sanctuary and at home: Mailed to you directly. Includes:
Sacred Writing Tracker notebook;
“Sacred Writing in Progress” door or desk sign;
Writing Sanctuary Altars Guide;
Serendipitous hands-on surprise(s).
Recordings of all 12 weeks of the Sanctuary;
Guide for creating a Writing Sanctuary in your own home;
Sacred Writing Kit (bonus with Early Bird signup).
Past Participants on the Co-Writing Sanctuary:
"That was probably the best writing group experience I have ever had, and the most surprising feeling of sanctuary and grace. Your beautiful voice, wise words, kindness, and encouragement ... what an incredible feat you pulled off transcending technology, distance, and time to bring us together in such blessed energy. It feels like such a different time dimension. I feel such freedom. It's allowed me to explore." —Jane Majkiewicz, writer, editor, former literary agency associate
"I really love the sanctuary. Wish we could do it twice a week. What a wonderful idea you had, and how well you do it. Thank you so much!"—Adriana Diaz (Currently writing a wonderful novel based on what came to her during the 2022 Co-Writing Sanctuary)
"Thanks so much for our deep writing group session yesterday. I was inspired to write for many more hours last night. Your GORGEOUS 'Book Mothering' energy is just the right medicine for me! You always remind me of why I so love to write!"—Shelley Klammer, author, Collage for Self-Discovery
"Thank you for opening this up for me. You've blessedly given me the insight into my self to create space and time and intention (again) to ground my writing into this reality of my life. I so appreciate you and reminding me of this process."—Earlene Gleisner, author, The Spirit Bundle
"This group was a true sanctuary. It made it possible for me to return to writing a work that has been essential for me, and which I had let go for too long. I love what I've been writing! The atmosphere you created, and to which the other participants contributed, truly brought about a field. That field exists for me even when I'm not in the group and am writing on my own. I feel the presence of the others, and I'm no longer writing alone even when I am alone."—Deanne Jamison
About Your Guide, Naomi Rose
If you begin to look into the subject of writing — whether a longer work like a book or a shorter piece like an essay — you’ll find a lot put forth about the craft.
But rarely is it “written” that the secret of writing is inside the writer — inside you. And yet inside you are all the qualities needed to bring forth your soul-treasures.
The secret is in listening to yourself, and being heard. This tends not to be addressed in the world of writing. But it is addressed in the worlds of psychology, spirituality, and healing. When we are truly heard, what’s in us has a place to be. Expression of this essential being then flows out naturally, nourishing us in the process and then, later, nourishing our readers.
I’ve been a Book Developer & Creative Midwife, and the creator of Writing from the Deeper Self, for over 20 years, now. For 30+ years (overlapping) I worked in the publications field with publishers and authors as a writer, editor, and consultant, And I was born into a family of writers, so this focus has been with me my whole life.
But then there’s the healing journey, something that simply being good with words didn’t intrinsically address. What I needed to learn was to listen below the words — to sense and trust what was really wanting to be known. As I became able to open up to the ubiquitous guidance within, healing opened up as well, and so did my ability to hold others in loving presence as well as myself. This kind of listening has opened many valuable doors for me and for my book-writing clients. I am privileged to bring it to you in this Co-Writing Sanctuary.
I am also an artist in three different modalities—writing, visual art, and music. I bring these capacities in service of my clients and students by encouraging the artist in them to emerge. Visual art has a place in writing evocative descriptions. Music has a place in writing with rhythm and tone. The Co-Writing Sanctuary brings a beautiful esthetic to your awareness, and in that kind of atmosphere the artist in you can come forth, pleasing you, perhaps surprising you with what you are capable of.
“I'm happy to acknowledge Naomi Rose's important influence on my writing life as I have others in the past: Julia Cameron, Natalie Goldberg, and Eric Maisel, to name a few. I've since come to regard (and treasure) her as a writing mentor.” — Chris Dunmire, Creative Director & Publisher of Creativity Portal — a “Writers Digest 101 best sites”
I am an award-winning editor, a published writer, and a “Creative Midwife” helping people bring forth from within them what wants to be known. I take great heart from what God is said to have said about the Divine in us: “I was a Hidden Treasure and I longed to be known.” The Co-Writing Sanctuary is a place where your Hidden Treasure can come forth into the light onto the page, and into your regained heart.
Ready to Begin Your Deep-Writing Journey in the Sanctuary?
Frequently Asked Questions
About the Format:
Q: Do I need to attend every live session? A: While your regular attendance enhances the experience, you will receive recordings of all sessions. This allows you to maintain momentum even if you miss a live gathering.
Q: What if I'm not sure what I want to write about? A: Perfect! Many participants discover their writing direction through the sanctuary experience. The structured silence and guided attunement often reveal unexpected creative pathways.
Q: Is this like a writing workshop with critiques? A: No, this is distinctly different. The Sanctuary is a space for generation and discovery, not critique. While there's an optional sharing celebration at the end of the program, the weekly sessions are focused on creating, not reviewing or interpreting.
About the Process:
Q: How is this different from writing alone at home? A: The Sanctuary combines three powerful elements: (1) the power of silent space-holding, (2) group energy, and (3) structured sacred time. Many participants report accessing deeper levels of creativity than when writing alone.
Q: What if I get stuck during the writing time? A: The beauty of the Sanctuary is that it removes the pressure to "produce." You're welcome to sit in contemplation, jot notes, or simply stay present. Often, our most significant breakthroughs come through these moments of apparent "stuckness."
Q: Can I work on different projects each week? A: Absolutely! You can use the time for a single project or explore various writing directions. The space adapts to your creative needs.
Technical & Practical Matters:
Q: What technology do I need? A: You'll need:
A reliable internet connection
Zoom access
Your preferred writing tools (computer or pen/paper)
Q: What if I live in a different time zone? A: I offer the recording-only option specifically for international participants or those who can't attend live sessions. The recordings carry the same sacred energy and can be used to create your own ritual writing time.
Q: Is there a payment plan available? A: Yes, for the live-participation option. If paying in full is stressful, you can pay in three monthly installments. There is also an Early Bird option, with significant bonuses.
Getting Started
Q: What happens after I register? A: You'll receive:
A welcome email with all necessary details
An invitation to schedule your personal meeting prior to the first Sanctuary session (live participation only)
Guidelines for creating your writing space
Early Bird registrants will receive the bonus Sacred Writing Kit in the mail.
Q: Can I join mid-series? A: Sorry, no. The consistency of attendance from the beginning is part of what creates the container. If you can’t begin at the beginning, buy the recordings instead.
Still have questions?
Email me at naomirosedeepwrite[at]
Join us in this sacred space where your deeper writing self awaits expression onto the page.