Naomi Rose’s Books on Writing and the Creative Process
Starting Your Book — An Organic Approach to Structuring Your Book — 10 Essential Qualities That Help You Write a Book
NAOMI ROSE — Book Coach/Developer & Creative Midwife —
a soulful, process-based approach to writing leading to a published book that heals both writer and reader.
She brings over 30 years’ experience in the publications field
and a gift for helping you listen what wants to be known from within out into a book that you love writing.
That is — she encourages your flowering.
Because it’s not just how many pages you write. It’s how much of you gets to come onto the page.
These deeply friendly books on the creative process encourage you to find your own creative ways — and inspire you as to how.
writing a book is a creative process that can be opened to you by naomi rose’s books — “starting your book,” “an organic approach to structuring your book,” and “10 essential qualities that help you write a book”
The books by Naomi Rose in this series are:
Starting Your Book: A Guide to Navigating the Blank Page by Listening to What’s Inside You
An Organic Approach to Structuring Your Book: A Right-Brained Alternative to Outlines (Workbook Included)
10 Essential Qualities That Help You Write a Book: Watering the Seeds of the Qualities You Need
Let’s take a look now into what they have to offer.
starting your book can be a journey of self-discovery. naomi rose’s book, “starting your book,” can help you find your own path.
A Book Whisperer opens a path to finding your own path to writing a book,
and discovering the treasures of your true creative nature in the process.
Starting your book is not a formula you need to learn.
It’s an organic growth that can only come out of you.
You are not incidental to writing the book of your heart — you are essential.
This presence, from which your words will flow forth, is your real gift —
to yourself as well as your readers.
starting your book by listening to what’s inside you grows your inner relationship as well as your book
Did you ever wish you could just wave a magic wand and come out with a book that you love?What if you could love not only the end “product” but also the process that led to it?
You can.
Starting Your Book invites you to listen for the treasures within you in ways that you may not even have thought of.
Ways that spring forth writing from you with such naturalness that the gifts they bring don’t have to be strained for — they offer themselves.
By bringing light to your actual creative nature (not how you’re “supposed” to write but how it’s actually in you to write) and listen to what’s inside you, everything you need arises. This not only serves your book, but it nourishes who you are becoming in the process of writing it.
In this way, your book is writing you into the surprising “more” of you at the same time that you are writing it.
Writing your book is not an “assignment.” It’s a living relationship. And when you know your own creative makeup — and your connection to the Source of creation — this relationship blesses you in ways far beyond simply writing a book.
Readers who have used and enjoyed working with Starting Your Book write:
“Your book is overflowing with so much wisdom. I did not expect such an inward journey. It's exactly what I needed. I'm in a much greater state of allowing, rather than controlling and dictating. I feel very relaxed and like my ideas are going to flow so much smoother now.”—Erik Carlberg, author
“When you read something true, it feels like love, or gratitude, or a connection to something larger. This is how I feel when I read Starting Your Book. The deeper place that Naomi’s words emerge from serve to invite and induct me into a more heart-full and connected place within my own writing. Her book has been a solace and a reminder that I do have something to say. We all do." — Shelly Klammer, author, Collage for Self-Discovery. From the Foreword to Starting Your Book
“Reading your book was like receiving a comforting hug of encouragement. The connection of writing and the heart — of the practice of writing as a way to get in touch with our divinity — how could this elude us, ever? Once you have this treasure in your being, you realize how clear it all is — why we write, why it matters.” — Jane Majkiewicz, writer, editor, literary agency associate emeritus
In the following audio, author Naomi Rose reads a brief excerpt from Chapter 6, “The Value of Not Knowing Everything.”
TO FIND OUT MORE about Starting Your Book as well as purchasing details, click here.
An Organic Approach to Structuring Your Book
If you want to write a book,
but you're more creative than methodical
and you don't really like making outlines,
but you think that’s the only way to do it —
here's a whole other way to go about it that fits how you actually are.
organizing and structuring your book becomes more intuitive with this right-brained alternative to outlines by naomi rose, book coach / book developer & creative midwife
Say goodbye to rigid outlines
and hello to a way to structure your book
that lets your innate creativity flourish!
Find joy and excitement in the process of finding your book's structure
as you open yourself to glimmers of inspiration
and weave them all together to evolve a Table of Contents (TOC)
that truly works for you.
Imagine the joy of writing a book from the bottom up, allowing your ideas to flow effortlessly onto the page in whatever order they come, then translating them into a TOC that reveals the bigger picture. This organic, interactive process frees you from externally imposed constraints, letting your alivenss and internal interest guide you to the next step, and the next, and the next.
Many "Aha!" moments will be sparked in you by this book's unique and compassionate mapping of the territory. And what you discover about yourself through the "Reflections" in the included Workbook will help you find your own way through the structuring (and writing) of your book.
With An Organic Approach to Structuring Your Book, you get to benefit from the expertise and guidance of a renowned author and book midwife who understands the intricacies of the writing process, and how freeing it is to trust finding your own way.
With delightful illustrations by the author.
Readers write about An Organic Approach:
“This is IMPRESSIVE! It's fabulous. You have so much to offer. May your message reach far and wide.”—Taj Inayat, Sufi Guide
"Unique and original. Very well-developed and explained. This book addresses a real issue. People who are more right-brained can struggle with writing an outline, when it may not be appropriate for them to do so. Naomi Rose is really brilliant at combining both nonlinear and cognitive intelligences — espousing a right-brain approach, but explaining it very clearly, including giving an example from her own writing. I'm very impressed!" — Ralph Dranow, author, A New Life, and (with Daniel Marlin) At work on the Garments of Refuge
"I thoroughly enjoyed this book and moved through it with ease. Seeing the author's own process illuminated this writing practice and made it all come together in a helpful way. This liberating approach offers breathing room. I didn't feel the typical resistance I've had when trying to follow other models that ultimately feel too prescriptive and rigid. Naomi Rose is offering a divine gift." — Jane Majkiewicz, writer, editor, literary agency associate emeritus
"This book is brilliant! Naomi Rose has created a beautiful and useful product, which doesn't feel generic. The artwork really works — the graphics feel fresh and inspired. I finally get the author's process when working with clients to form the Table of Contents. As I prepare to write my book, I feel this workbook will really help me." — Dana Watt, Chaplain to spiritual entrepreneurs
In the following audio, Naomi Rose reads a brief excerpt from the Workbook part of the book, “Reflection 7: Steeping”:
10 Essential Qualities That Help You Write a Book
writing a book is growthfu when you invite your potential essential qualities to open. “10 Essential Qualities THAT HELP YOU WRITE A BOOK,” by naomi rose, helps ground you in these qualities.
Too often, we feel stopped from within from going forward with our desire to write a book. Doubts, fears, the whole slew of inner-critic accusations and “protections” can obstruct even the most profound and tender writing from making it onto the page. Like stomping on newly seeded grass, we trample our dreams into the ground.
To remedy this, you can develop the inner essential qualities that will enable you to write your book from start to finish.
Tapping into these inner qualities helps you move beyond perceived limitations so you can work with yourself rather than against yourself — so you can write your book in a way that enlarges you.
This book offers wisdom and encouragement for the sprouting of 10 essential qualities that can make the difference for your writing, and in your life.
CREATIVITY – Connecting with Your Creativity
CONFIDENCE – Expressing Yourself with Confidence
FLOW – Finding the Flow & Trusting the Writing to Unfold
CLARITY — Seeing the Big Picture
INTIMATE NOTICING — Coming in Closer: A Feeling for Detail
DEPTH — Going Deeper into the Writing by Going Deeper into the Writer
SELF-COMPASSION — Cultivating Self-Compassion
COMMITMENT — Going the Distance: Gladly Staying with Your Writing Until It’s Complete
RE-VISION — The Gift of Refinement
BEING VISIBLE — Bringing Your Light All the Way into the World
Knowing that these qualities are available to you brings you into closer touch with your true nature. This book helps you clear the obstacles to a deep, engaged, joyful experience of writing your book.
A $15 value, this book is a free gift to you when you sign up for Naomi Rose’s “Writing from the Deeper Self” Newsletter.
Do it now! Sign up below.
Sign up for my newsletter and discover the power of writing and healing. Let me support you in bringing the book of your heart to radiant life.
Enter your email address in the box at your right, and click “Subscribe” to join the Writing from the Deeper Self community of like-minded individuals who are committed to writing books that speak to the soul and bring about genuine healing for both writer and reader. You’ll receive expert advice and guidance, creative inspiration, in-depth content, and special offers and discounts. Let your writing be a catalyst for both personal and collective transformation.
As a thank-you, I’ll send you a free copy of my book, 10 Essential Qualities That Help You Write a Book. As these qualities become known to you and surface, they will support you abundantly to write the book of your heart and live more authentically.
Naomi rose, book coach / developer & creative midwife
NAOMI ROSE is the creator of "Writing from the Deeper Self," and a book developer residing in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is also a musician and visual artist, as well as a writer.
This is her website,