Directly book-related:

(3 audios)


WRITE THAT BOOK — “Have you got a book inside you? Would you like to get it out? What's stopping you? Why aren't you tapping away furiously at your keyboard right now, putting it together? Or scribbling madly in your notebook? Get that book inside you outside you — write now!”

OVERCOMING WRITER’S BLOCK — “The deep relaxation hypnosis brings, coupled with your own unconscious abilities to write, can effortlessly restart your suppressed writing process. Hypnosis can stop you putting the wrong sort of pressure on yourself and free up your creativity so that writer's block simply melts away, leaving the ideas free to flow.”

CREATIVE WRITING HYPNOSIS — “When you unleash the true creativity hidden within that part of your mind that's outside of your conscious rational control, you'll be amazed at the variety and number of inventive ideas that start to pour from you.”

BE A BETTER WRITER — “There's a wide chasm between writing and writing that will be read. With this hypnosis audio, you use the resources of your unconscious mind to develop the core psychological skills of being a great writer. You begin to feel a deeper personal connection with your reader as you write. / Writing starts to feel more like a direct sharing of enthusiasm and ideas with another person. / You feel both more committed to and more detached from your own writing. / You avoid the pitfalls of perfectionism. / Your writing steadily improves, as passion and pragmatism become a defining characteristic.


(1 pack with 5 audios — can be purchased as a pack or individually)

(Individual audio)

BOOST YOUR CREATIVITY (pack of 5 audios) — “Stress is kryptonite for creativity.  Stressed brains are so strung out they can barely cope with basic functions of digesting, keeping your immune system ticking over and other useful functions. Why would you use vital energy on creating the next international best seller or art masterpiece when staying alive is more mission critical? Creativity requires freedom of the mind and the ability to explore and wander around in wonderment. The 5 audios in this hypnosis pack [see bulleted list below] let you fast track to the relaxed, dream-like state where creativity abounds and ideas can take shape.” [Click on “Boost Your Creativity,” above, for the complete pack. Click below for details on the individual titles,]

  • CREATIVITY BOOSTER — “The biggest block to being more creative is not so much lack of creative talent as trying too hard. Telling yourself to 'think creatively' is likely to send you into the doldrums straight away. And leave you right out of ideas. The fact is, 'creativity' is an unconscious process. You get the best results when you create the right environment for it to happen, and then give it the space and time to happen.”

  • CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING — “Your most incredible creativity occurs when you are relaxed — when you are asleep — when you dream. At these times, your brain creates three-dimensional, multi-sensory experience in real time — something it’s difficult to do while awake. This is why hypnosis is so effective for boosting your creative problem solving and brainstorming skills. You can access that dream state to order!”

  • RELEASE YOUR INNER ARTIST — “Perfectionism and fear of failure can be the nemeses of creativity. When we let our concerns, inhibitions and doubts take over, we lose that state of flow in which the best art is created. The best art emerges untrammelled by the conscious mind, direct from the unconscious, in a state of pure, focused flow. Reconnect with your innate creativity and access that magical flow state.”

  • IMPROVE VISUALIZATION — “The part of your brain that visualizes when you dream is the same part that visualizes when you relax in hypnosis, and we can utilize this to your benefit. Just like working a muscle, you can greatly improve your powers of visualization, which will benefit your creativity, powers of observation, recall and memory, and enjoyment of life.”

  • BE MORE PLAYFUL — “What characterizes children's play is a total openness and exploratory attitude. Children never write off ideas as 'ridiculous' or 'impossible.' They will 'play' freely with ideas and invent amazing ways to do things. It's only later, when we are put through the conforming mill that constitutes the average educational experience, that our playfulness is squashed out of us. As you listen to this audio, your unconscious mind will be inspired to retrieve all the fundamental aspects of play that you took for granted when young. And you will learn how to restore playful creativity into your own personal life, for the benefit of yourself and others.”

BOOST YOUR CREATIVE CONFIDENCE — “Do you sometimes doubt your creative ability? Are there times when you just can't seem to find that creative flow? Every creative person encounters these kinds of stumbling blocks, even the most respected writers, artists, and musicians. Regaining a sense of confidence in your creative pursuits is all about fostering a more positive, respectful relationship with your creative ideas. When you learn to trust in your intuition and open up the infinite potential of the subconscious mind, you start to connect with the ideas and impulses that lie within, and let epiphanies come to the surface without doubt or judgment.”




(Individual audios)


Enjoy Life!:

(Individual audios)


(Overcoming) Fears & Phobias:

(Individual audios)


Be Less Negative (i.e., be more positive):

(1 pack with 5 audios — can be purchased as a pack or individually)


Personal Development:

(Individual audios)


Thinking Skills:

(Individual audios)


Emotional Intelligence:

(individual audios)

Communication Skills:

(Individual audios)


And many more . . .


SELF-CONFIDENCE — This category offers 23+ hypnosis audios on specific aspects of self-confidence, including: “Quick Confidence Booster,”  “Believe in Yourself,” “Confidence Injection,” “Trust Yourself,” “Imposter Syndrome,” “Overcome Fear of Being Vulnerable,” and over 17 more. You can see how deepening your self-confidence could make a huge difference in your book-writing process as well as what gets to come out onto the written page (and of course, in the rest of your life!).

SELF-ESTEEM — This category offers 17+ hypnosis audios on specific aspects of self-esteem, including: “Overcome Insecurity,” “Self-Acceptance,” “Find Your Identity,” “Deeper Self-Respect,” “I Am Enough,” “Transcend Your Labels,” and over 11 more. As with self-confidence, you can see how enhanced self-esteem could increase your enthusiasm for writing your book, and more fully appreciate what you’ve written — as well as more fully appreciating yourself.


ENJOY LIFE — This category offers 22 hypnosis audios to enable you to enjoy your life more deeply and widely. Specific aspects addressed include: “Find Your Passion,” “No Regrets,” “The Meaning of Life,” “Stop and Smell the Roses,” “Stop Wasting Time,” “New Life Story,” “Eyes of a Child,” “Be More Spontaneous,” and 14 more. You can see how enjoying life more could impact your experience of writing a book — what would it be like to fully enjoy the experience, bringing your growing capacity for full presence and enjoyment into the process?


FEARS & PHOBIAS — There are over 85 hypnosis audios in this category. Most don’t directly affect writing a book, but there are several that — if you suffer from them to any extent — can negatively affect your experience of yourself, of your writing, and of the consequences of your writing.

This is my curated list of the overcoming-fears-&-phobias hypnosis audios that are likely to help you feel safer and freer in writing a book (and the rest of your life). (Click directly on the titles to be led to those pages): “Fear of Failure,” “Fear of Success,” “Fear of Change,” “Fear of Making Mistakes,” “Fear of Emotions,” “Fear of Planning,” “Fear of Losing Yourself,” “Fear of Humiliation,” and “Fear of Missing Out.”

These 9 audios are all that are relevant to writing a book. (You might have a fear of elevators, which the “Fear of Elevators” audio would address; but unless your book is about high-rise buildings, I doubt that this fear would pose an obstacle to your writing.) However, if you do have a fear unrelated to writing a book that’s hampering your life, you might check out the entire category and see if there’s something there for you.

BE LESS NEGATIVE — “Anyone who suffers from negative thinking knows that being negative all the time leaves you feeling demotivated, lacking in energy and low in mood. Negativity blinds us to opportunities and changes positives to negatives. Like any bias, negative thinking influences not just how we respond to life, but also what happens to us in life (to a certain extent). Whether we have good or bad expectations can even affect our physical health. The more positive you are in thought and action, the more resilient you become when times are tough. Being less negative is all about acquiring certain skills of mind which help you and everyone around you. After listening to these hypnosis sessions a few times or even sooner, you can expect to find yourself naturally overriding habitual negative thinking styles and as a result feeling happier.” [Click on “Be Less Negative,” above, for the complete pack. Click below for details on the individual titles,]

  • STOP NEGATIVE THINKING — “A powerfully soothing way to change poor thinking styles to see the bigger picture. Are negative thinking patterns stopping you from enjoying life? Excessively negative thoughts often feel intensely emotional . . . have an ‘all or nothing’ quality . . . make broad, overgeneralized statements . . . lack maturity . . . drive high anxiety. They feel very real. Overcoming negative thoughts happens in a similar way to waking up from a nightmare. This hypnosis audio will help you distance yourself from negative thoughts so you are no longer controlled by them. You’ll be better able to respond to negative thinking in a healthy way and welcome more positivity into your life.” 

  • SELF-SABOTAGE — “Self-sabotage happens when you deliberately undermine your goals. It can cause you a lot of unnecessary pain in life. Deep down, self-sabotage is almost always a way to protect yourself. By making sure you never try your best, your unconscious mind keeps you from risking failure. Through deep relaxation, this hypnosis audio will help you notice your patterns and develop ways to stop them before they start.”

  • STOP COMPLAINING - “Every complaint is also a suggestion implanting negativity and defeatism. This affects not only the recipient, but also the complainer. Pointing out what's wrong and demanding that it be put right is a perfectly appropriate response in certain contexts. But if you do it all the time, it can make you feel pretty down. This hypnosis audio will help you easily and quickly transform your 'auto-complainer' into a fully manually controlled 'risk/benefit analyzer.' It will enable you once again to consciously choose your battles and to relax with the imperfections of life at other times. You can become part of the solution, not just another part of the problem.”

  • NO REGRETS — “When things go wrong, it's natural to spend some time going over what happened in order to understand it and learn from it. But sometimes you can get so caught up in focusing on the losses and errors of your past that you can't really 'get going' on your future. Constant regret about the past is unprocessed grief.  It is very much like a bereavement, and grieving is a process by which we separate ourselves from what has irretrievably gone and begin to face the future again. This hypnosis audio will significantly ease your path to a life free from unnecessary regrets. Discover how you can make so much more of life without regrets.” 

  • IMPROVE YOUR MOOD — “Whether you're grumpy, annoyed or feeling low, trying to make yourself feel better (in the wrong way) can be counter-productive. Many people try to improve their mood by striving to figure out why they feel bad. But this is a dead-end strategy because you just end up ruminating on what's making you feel bad. The trick to improving your mood quickly is to work directly on changing your emotional state. This hypnosis audio will enable your unconscious mind to bring forth a new, more relaxed, more upbeat emotion. You will experience the old mood drifting away from you, and gain perspective on whatever was making you feel bad.”

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT — This category offers 49+ hypnosis audios to help you be who you want to be, and perform your best in any circumstances. Specific aspects addressed that may help with writing a book include: “How to Love Yourself,” “Inner Artist” (also part of the “Creativity” pack), “Introvert to Extrovert” (useful in the post-publication phase of the book — Marketing, Publicity, & Promotion), “Reinvent Yourself,” “Plan Your Future,” “Find the Real You,” “Wise Advisor,” “Personal Growth,” “Stop Being Judgmental,” “Develop Self-Compassion,” “Daily Routine,” “Boost Your Creative Confidence” (also under “Creativity”), “Go with the Flow,” “Use Your Introvert Strengths,” “Be More Resourceful,” and “Expand Your Horizons.” Additional audios may interest you beyond these that work well with writing a book.

THINKING SKILLS — This category offers 45+ hypnosis audios to Improve your ability to think clearly and avoid cognitive errors. Specific aspects addressed that may help with writing a book include: “Tame Your Inner Critic,” “Stop Negative Thinking,” “Positive Thinking,” “Be More Right-Brained,” “Long-Term Thinking,” “Think Outside the Box,” “Stop Monkey Mind,” “Trust Your Instincts,” “Be Solution Focused,” “Be More Objective,” “Organize Your Thinking,” “Critical Thinking Skills,” “Creative Problem-Solving,” “[Overcome] Analysis Paralysis,” “Growth Mindset,” and even “Unconscious Goal Achievement.” There are also 16+ more audios in this category that may be helpful apart from writing a book.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE — This category offers 47+ hypnosis audios to communicate with the source of emotions — the unconscious mind. Specific aspects addressed that may help with writing a book include: “Let Go of the Past,” “Increase Emotional Intelligence,” “Forgiveness,” “Feeling Like a Failure,” “Stop Expecting to Fail,” “Taking Yourself Too Seriously,” “Soften Your Expectations,” “Express Your Love,” and even “Overcome Technology Frustration.” There are also 38+ more audios in this category that may be helpful apart from writing a book.


COMMUNICATION SKILLS — This category offers 39+ hypnosis audios to Improve your interactions and relationships (including with yourself). Specific aspects addressed that may help with writing a book include: “Listening Skills,” “Handling Criticism,” “Get to the Point,” “Reduce Filler Words,” and other audios that pertain more to speaking but also could help with putting your words into writing.


are the primary ones I have found that will support you to write the book of your heart (as well as supporting you in other areas of your life). This hypnosis audios site is a rich, many-branched one, and you may wish to browse it to see what speaks to you in addition to those that will support you to write your book.

However you go about it, I wish you freedom and fulfillment not only in writing a book but in living your life with as many of your intrinsic “seeds” flowering as you wish. Your potential is vast, and it’s exciting to discover the presence of qualities you may have thought were closed to you.

As Pierre Teilhard de Chardin wrote: “Our duty, as men and women, is to proceed as if limits to our ability did not exist. We are collaborators in creation.”