Naomi Rose, Creative Midwife
& Book Coach / Book Developer
Mostly, I help people write the book of their heart.
But I also can support you to create (bring into form)
whatever wants to be known through you.
An artistic project — a product — a business — an invention — a song — whatever is calling you / niggling at you.
Encouraging your creative movement, and your trust in yourself to do it.
"Naomi sat me down and nurtured out of me ideas I didn't even know I had in me.” — Zoe Larkin, photographer
While the rest of this website offers services and products that have to do with writing a soulful book, this page is about when you have something that’s in you to create that isn’t specifically writing.
Because creating what wants to be known through you isn’t only for writers, or even artists. It’s for anyone who’s called to bring forth the Something out of the Nothing that characterizes what it means to be a spiritual human living on the Earth.
Now as it happens, I am an artist, and I’m totally enamored of the artistic creative process. I’m fortunate to connect with the Source of Creation in three ways — writing, visual art, and music — and so I know that while these streams are quite specific, the source is the same.
This is true even when the “what wants to be brought forth” isn’t an artistic stream at all. And I don’t have to be proficient in the mode that’s calling you in order to be of service to you. I only have to listen to you so well that what’s seeking to be birthed through you becomes clear. Because once this lands, the form it will take is already underway to becoming real.
How can I help you if what’s gestating in you is in a field that’s unknown to me? What if what wants to come forth is a marvel of engineering, or an idea for a business that’s beyond my own capacities? Well, at least to some extent it really doesn’t matter. I might not be able to help you actually design the thing, but as a really good, attentive listener I can sense the nature of what can’t yet be said as well as what’s currently being said. I’m good at mirroring back what I perceive from the signs you’ve given so that you can better understand what’s happening in you. I’m good at putting together possibilities for where your desire is seeking to manifest.
I know that it is essential to make room for the creative process to have a home in you. I know that it’s essential for the unique person you are to be able to identify and validate this initially inchoate desire, and shape into a tangible form.
You don’t have to have a super-clear sense of what you are being called to create — only that you are called.
We can take it from there, together.
Creating is an act of loving yourself so what wants to be known can come forth = Creative midwifery.
Has an idea to create something knocked at your door, but you haven’t known how to fully open that door?
A treasure waits inside you, seeking to be expressed. Whatever form it wants to take, I can help you bring it to life.
Whether it’s an artistic project that’s still hovering in the mist —
A business idea you’re not yet clear on —
A project or product that can make a difference in the world — an idea, an invention, an innovation, etc. —
Or pretty much anything that wants to move into the world through you —
If the urge to bring something into form is knocking on the door of your heart, I can help you get clear on what it is, and your organic next steps. Creativity takes many forms, and is in everyone!
"Naomi sat me down and nurtured out of me ideas I didn't even know I had in me.
“Her technique was very simple and extremely effective. Like a counselor, she asked probing questions, which elicited deep responses from me. And these she wrote down verbatim, touch-typing on her laptop with the lid down and not breaking her stride listening to me empathetically and wholeheartedly.
"What I admire most about Naomi's approach was being able to deal with the unpredictability and uncertain nature of what was to be discussed. I came to her as an open book and she read it, guiding rather than driving the direction of the conversation. It was a very rejuvenating experience to be heard in that way. She understood, as did I for the first time, that my personal conclusion was the thing worth sharing. She was able to show me what was in me, but that to which I'd never given words or any expression whatsoever. Her passion is to help people bring forth their inner treasures in some form. Her fascination is with the entire creative process.
“Naomi Rose is a true artist in every sense of the word; a consummate professional, a skilled writer and editor, and a birther of creativity in those whose lives she touches."
— Zoe Larkin, photographer and writer
creating is natural when you listen and pay attention = creative midwifery.
“Naomi has the innate ability to coax out, in the most gentle and supportive way, that which wants to grow. She assists in unearthing buried creative seeds and nurtures growth so that a living, thriving form emerges — a tangible idea, a new business direction, a workable book outline, a written piece, or a new creative work. Her non-linear approach to creating births tangible outcomes. With Naomi as my ‘creative developer,’ I feel well cared-for and well heard — and inspired to bring my many gifts and products into the world.” — Dana Watt, Spiritual Entrepreneur Chaplain
I’d be happy to gift you a session to explore. Simply book the session using the button below:
“You are indeed the creative midwife, Naomi, and you have a unique way of always inspiring those with whom you come into contact — every time!” — Olga Lopes
Sign up for my newsletter and discover the power of writing and healing. Let me support you in bringing the book of your heart to radiant life.
Enter your email address in the ochre sign-up box and click “Subscribe” to join the Writing from the Deeper Self community of like-minded individuals who are committed to writing books that speak to the soul and bring about genuine healing for both writer and reader. You’ll receive expert advice and guidance, creative inspiration, in-depth content, and special offers and discounts. Let your writing be a catalyst for both personal and collective transformation.
As a thank-you, I’ll send you a free copy of my book, 10 Essential Qualities That Help You Write a Book. As these qualities become known to you and surface, they will support you abundantly to write the book of your heart and live more authentically.
“You kept me coming back to what’s most meaningful about what I’m trying to do and have done. You ask deep questions. You’re with me in that depth and heart and spirit, because that’s right where you are. You stuck with it. You listened. You obviously care. I think you are a midwife and therapist. This opened, aligned, and expanded my thinking about who I am and how I express myself with my art.” — Lisa Carey, Fiber Artist (“Quilted Journey Arts”) and environmental educator
Want to find out more about what’s knocking on the door of your heart from within?
Want to understand how it seeks to come to life and bring good things to you and the world?
naomi rose, creative midwife (and book coach / book developer)
NAOMI ROSE is the creator of Writing from the Deeper Self, a process that brings forth the inner being of her clients in a way that is organically suited to them.
A visual artist and musician as well an an author herself, she has been enamored of the creative process itself since childhood, and as an adult has studied its spiritual as well as artistic importance — to an individual and to the Source of the creative impulse.
She knows from personal experience the vitality and healing that can come from true creative incubation and expression, vs. what it’s like to experience blockage in that essential area of oneself. And she is gifted in bringing forth in her clients that creative clarity, willingness to move forward, and joy of finding one’s own way that the true creative process offers each of us.
She is also the author of books on the Creative Process. They focus on writing, but can easily translate into other fields of interest.