Books in Print by My Clients: Barbara Hanneloré

Among the best testimonials I can think of are the books by my clients that are now in print (also e-book and audiobook formats). Each of these authors was originally a first-time author, who had dreams and fears around writing a book that may be similar to yours. But they persisted over time, working with me in online or in-person sessions, gradually coming to a place of resonance with what wanted to be written, in a way that most deeply fit who the author was. And the manuscript grew and grew, until the author could genuinely pen “The End.”

And then the Writing phase was complete, and they went on to the Production phase (getting the book ready to be printed — editing, proofreading, design, illustration, typesetting, etc.). And then it was in print, available to people all over the world to read, learn from, heal through, and enjoy.

Following is the book written by my client Barbara Hanneloré. Even if your book is only a wish, a call in your heart, at this point, be encouraged for its similar success.

The Moon and You: A Woman’s Guide to an Easier Monthly Cycle: Discover Your Own Inner Rhythms and Take Loving Care of Yourself, by Barbara Hanneloré. Published by Bell House, 2013. Finalist, Indie Excellence Book Awards; Silver Award, Living Now Book Awards.

The Moon and You is a book that fills a need for women everywhere, in every culture. Its informative, healing approach is so encouraging that it opens up the question, “Why doesn’t everyone already live this way?” In a back-cover blurb, the acclaimed author-physician Christiane Northrup affirmed the need for this book: “In my mid-thirties, I began to look forward to my periods, understanding them to be sacred time that our culture didn’t honor.”

Barbara Hanneloré is the founder of Women’s Way Moon Cycles, a creative program embracing the natural beauty of a woman’s cycles in a holistic and healing way. A natural to write a book like this, she wanted to make sure that it gave all the information she had to share in a way that readers would absorb and be able to use.

She approached me with the draft of a fairly extensive manuscript, wanting to turn it into a highly readable book. The book’s ultimate organization, post-editing, was arranged in five parts: (1) an overview of the Cycles of Nature; (2) support for “Inner Self-Care” (feelings and needs, rituals and practices); (3) “Outer Self-Care” (body treatments, herbs, nutrition, environment); (4) the “Bigger Picture” (cultural attitudes and their effects); and (5) given all this, an invitation for the reader to re-imagine her own coming-of-age as a girl, and break free of any limitations imposed by a less-than-optimum experience at the time. I found this book fascinating, deeply encouraging, and healing for women of any age. I felt honored to have a helping hand in its final outcome.

My role: Editor

Working with Barbara: Barbara had already written a book, How to Celebrate Your Daughter’s Coming of Age, so she was not a first-time author. When she came to me with the manuscript of The Moon and You, some of it was already fleshed out, but other parts were still unclear, and the organization asked for a closer weave and more fluid transitions. As we worked together on her book, I sending her my suggestions for improvement and she responding with characteristic graciousness, the manuscript began to take on a substantial and welcoming form. Ultimately, the book went on to win awards — the Indie Excellence Book Award, and also the Living Now Books Silver award — and be of deep, healing help to its readers.

Reader praise for the book:

“My experience of my own menstrual cycle began to change after I noticed that my most meaningful insights about myself, my life, and my writing came on the day or two just before my period. In my mid-thirties, I began to look forward to my periods, understanding them to be sacred time that our culture didn’t honor.” — Dr. Christiane Northrup, author, Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

“It’s about time a book like this was written. It really validates and celebrates the sacredness of our bodies and cycles. If you’re in tune with your cycle, the awareness is huge, profound. It expands your ability to be fully aware of yourself. This is a book I would recommend to clients.” — Jane Schmidt, founder of Parent Coaching NW, LLC, Seattle, WA

The author on working with me: “When I decided to dive into all the notes I had collected and really turn my outline into a book, Naomi Rose was an invaluable partner on the journey. She understood what I wanted to say, and made sure that my thoughts flowed smoothly. Her grasp of the book extended from the overall vision down to the details, and even in small ways—by completing a phrase or rearranging a sentence or paragraph here and there—she created an appealing whole out of the many ideas I had to share. Her insights and her gift for understanding my message raised my confidence so much. She shared my vision, and was genuinely excited about getting this book out into the world. The book is now changing lives, and finding its way into homes and hearts around the world. She offered the support I needed to create the book that I dared to dream was possible!” — Barbara Hanneloré

If you have a book calling you to write it — whether it’s “just” a wish at this point, or you’ve already stepped into the writing but you don’t know what to do next to have it be an authentic expression of you — consider calling on me to be the midwife of the book that can only come out of you.

You can start by (any or all):

  • Subscribing to my weekly newsletter on “Writing from the Deeper Self” (sign-up form below).

  • Reading my books on the creative process

    • Starting Your Book: Navigating the Blank Page by Attending to What’s Inside you

    • An Organic Approach to Structuring Your Book: A Right-Brained Alternative to Outlines

    • 10 Essential Qualities That Help You Write a Book: Watering the Seeds of the Qualities You Need

  • Booking a complimentary 30-minute consultation with me to explore the book waiting in your heart.

Any way you’re drawn to do it, I can help you listen forth the book that wants to be known through you — and you will get to bloom, in the process.

Naomi Rose, Book Developer & Creative Midwife

Encouraging your flowering